A renowned Spanish laboratory presented the results of clinical tests that show a dramatic reduction in the progression of moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patients, in a new step towards an innovative approach to fight this neurodegenerative disease. At the Clinical...
We very often are asked to evaluate individuals who are told they have chronic ischemic white matter changes – punctate lesions – white matter hyperintensities – white matter changes – chronic changes – age related changes – The...
So you or your family member was given a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s? The problem is that the medical team was not able to tell you the reason for the medical problem. Being given a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is better understood as being told that the...
Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia is found with stopping neuron cell death. Consider that all dementia has occurred from different aspects of brain damage – your primary goal will be to identify what is causing/could cause brain damage....